Thursday, October 1, 2009

Harrison Ford as Bladerunner

This 1/5 Bladerunner kit was acquired on Ebay. The incredible paint job was done by Steve Parke, one of my favorite artists who writes for Amazing Figure Modeler magazine. The great sculpt work deserves the hands of a great artist who can bring life to it. Parke had done a fantastic job in that respect. He even painted the tie to the same way it looks in the movie. What is even more amazing about this display set is that this kit didn’t come with the base it has now. I came across this base again not knowing at the time how to make use of it. This Bladerunner in the run is extremely tricky in terms of finding a suitable base for it. This angled wall base with an opening in between serves just absolutely perfect for Ford in the run. A part of the jacket even rests on part of the brick wall forming a support to this intrinsically off-balanced kit.

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